In a recent interview with the Times of India, Engineer made comments slamming the Indian selection committee, and along the way, made the claim that they were busy serving Anushka Sharma tea during the World Cup. But Anushka fired back and made it clear that she had attended just one match during the World Cup and, that too, was seated in the family box. After Anushka's reply, Engineer clarified his comments and stated that the comment was made in jest and that he never intended to demean Anushka.
"I just said it in a jest and it's being made a mountain out of a molehill. Poor Anushka has been dragged into it, she is a lovely girl. Virat Kohli is a brilliant captain and coach Ravi Shastri is extremely good. The entire matter is being blown up unnecessarily. It turned out to be a selector as he was wearing an all India blazer", Engineer told a TV channel, reported Times of India.
"I didn't even know one of the selectors during the World Cup and I asked him who the hell he was, because he was wearing the India blazer and he said he was one of the selectors. All they were doing was getting Anushka Sharma cups of tea," Engineer said.
In her lengthy reply, Anushka further referred to the backlash she received from a section of the Indian cricket fans on social media for posing with the team members at a gathering hosted by the High Commission of India in London last year.
"My name was used for false stories to make it look like the board was being bothered for my tickets or security, etc when in reality I bought my own tickets for matches and flights and I still kept quiet,” she said.
"I was asked to stand in a group photo by the High Commissioner's wife despite my hesitation to be in it, and a huge issue was created over this blaming me for intentionally wanting to be part of it and the said event, even though I was invited for it. An official clarification was issued by the board on the same and I still kept quiet," Anushka added.
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