Recent reports have revealed that all members of Mumbai’s senior selection committee, led by Ajit Agarkar, has resigned a few hours before the Mumbai Cricket Association’s (MCA) ad-hoc committee met on Friday. Along with Agarkar, a former Indian team pacer, the committee also comprised of India spinner Nilesh Kulkarni, Sunil More and Ravi Thakkar.
All the four members had sent in their resignations on Friday afternoon as per MCA sources as reported by The Indian Express. Incidentally, the selectors resigned a day after the conclusion of the domestic season as the Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 Trophy ended Thursday night in Indore. The selectors were already under immense pressure after a Special General Meeting of the MCA member units had decided to discontinue their services.
The issue was also taken up with the Cricket Improvement Committee (CIC) which supported the selectors. It is understood that the current ad hoc committee took a legal opinion on the issue before it met.
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