After Bollywood actor Vindu Dara Singh was arrested for alleged links to bookies in the 2013 spot-fixing scandal, he was in frequent contact with Chennai Super Kings (CSK) team principal and then BCCI president N. Srinivasan's son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan. Upon investigation, it was found out that Meiyappan was involved in the betting scandal and Chennai Super Kings, alongside Rajasthan Royals, were suspended for two years from the league.
It was a tough time for the franchise, and of course, the face of it, MS Dhoni. Dhoni was branded as a “villain” and the press conferences has the India skipper almost centred around the scandal that rocked Indian cricket. However, the former Indian skipper acted like the only way he could and decided to remain silent on the matter.
However, Dhoni has now finally decided to talk about Chennai Super Kings’ return from the two-year ban that was imposed on them in a Hotstar documentary. In a new trailer, Dhoni revealed that match-fixing is a crime that he considers even worse than murder.
“The biggest crime that I can commit is not a murder, it is match-fixing. The team was involved and even my name came up. It was a tough phase for us. Fans felt the punishment was harsh and the comeback was very emotional. And I always said what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” he says in the trailer.
While the new documentary is expected to reveal the psychological state of mind of the cricketers during the whole fiasco and how the return of the league woke up the fans from the dead slumber, it is also expected to give some insights to Indian cricket’s one of the biggest secret stories.
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