India have been unbeaten in the ongoing tournament and now face a hot and cold England on Sunday. Their bowling has been impactful while the batting had churned out runs consistently. However, the number four spot has still been a little dicey. After KL Rahul’s elevation to the top, Vijay Shankar has taken guard at four on three occasions but failed to convert good starts into substantial scores.
Dean Jones is of the opinion that an in-form MS Dhoni should take guard at the said position and shoulder the crucial responsibility. Jones also suggested that Ravindra Jadeja lower down the order will not only give them a handy batting option but also some tight spin.
“Normally I don’t like touching the team when it’s flying and India is flying at the moment but I have got a concern with the player at number four. I have no problem with MS Dhoni going there and Jadeja coming in a little later which gives you a spin option,” said Jones during a TV show.
With the tournament being played in a longer version the pitches are getting worn out and will assist spin. Jones also feels that a left-handed option would help India as the tournament progresses.
“I think the pitches are getting a little more tired as the tournament progresses so you need that left-hander down there to help you a little bit. But I’ll have faith and give it one more go,” he added.
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