In a blow to India’s campaign in the World Cup, Dhawan suffered a blow to his left thumb, causing him an injury. Later, scans on the thumb revealed a fracture, ruling the southpaw out of the World Cup for the next three weeks. The Times of India reported that the Delhi batsman will not be available for selection at least until the match against Bangladesh, scheduled for July 2, or the one next against Sri Lanka on July 6.
As per the ICC’s rules, a player ruled out of the World Cup can't be added back to the squad and considering the extent of the injury, Pant will now fly to the United Kingdom. The BCCI is only waiting for the preliminary report on Dhawan's injury.
"Once all the details on Dhawan's injury are out, the team management will put out an official request for a replacement. And that replacement is going to be Pant. The injury is bad enough to ask for a replacement," sources told TOI.
Despite his good run of form and showing a lot of promise in the IPL, Pant was not selected in the 15-member squad for the World Cup but Dhawan’s injury has convinced the selectors that Pant should walk in at the earliest.
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