Yograj Singh has been known to be outspoken and the former Indian player has in the past made several comments on his son Yuvraj Singh’s career. Most of them have been derogatory comments aimed at Mahendra Singh Dhoni whom he has in the past claimed to be responsible for jeopardizing his son’s future with the national team.
He has tried to feud with the wicketkeeper quite often, stating negative things about him in interviews and on local news channels. Dhoni losing intentionally in the previous two World Cup semi-finals, him keeping players like Gautam Gambhir and Virender Singh out of the Indian squad and playing dirty politics in the dressing room, are just some of the allegations he has levelled at India’s most successful captain.
However, in a remarkable turnaround, he has eaten up all his words, going so far to deny having ever said such things about Dhoni.
“I never said this. I never blamed MS Dhoni for the loss. It is not my version. You have asked a wrong question to the wrong person,” Yograj said in an interview with News24, reported Asianage.
Dhoni is presently on an indefinite break from cricket and is serving his paramilitary regiment in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. He had been given an honorary post in 2011 and missing no opportunity to serve his nation, Dhoni has taken to the opportunity with all his heart. Yograj Singh was all praise for him for his service to the country before he appreciated what he brought to the table as a captain.
“There is no doubt that he has been serving the nation for a long time. He is a legendary player. In fact, I am Dhoni’s fan. The way he has played the cricket, the way he has led the side, the kind of decisions he has taken, has been very good,” Singh added.
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