Former India batsman Rahul Dravid, who was supposed to start his tenure as the Head of Cricket at the National Cricket Academy on July 1 may face a slight delay due to the ongoing issue surrounding his appointment. Dravid, who is also a paid employee of India Cements, is facing conflict of interest charges as per BCCI regulations which states that an individual can't hold multiple positions at the same time.
"Dravid is yet to take charge of the NCA. He will probably will have to resign from India Cements to join NCA," a BCCI official told TOI sources.
Earlier, BCCI ethics officer D K Jain had ruled against V V S Laxman after Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association member Sanjeev Gupta alleged conflict of interest over the former India batsman holding multiple positions.
Gupta has leveled the same allegations against Dravid in a complaint written to Jain and Committee of Administrators (COA) on June 30. Former India captain and junior coach Dravid has been offered a two-year contract to helm the NCA in Bengaluru.
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