India came to the match with a hope to test the bench strength, but they sure didn’t imagine the carnage that awaited them at the Seddon Park. Boult used the white Kookaburra to devastating effect and sent one Indian batsman after another to the pavilion. The Kedar Jadhav dismissal was no different as a sharp inswinger found the Maharashtra batsman dead in his tracks.
After seeing Jadhav shuffling across far too much, Boult, on the first ball of the 14th over, angled a ball in and gave enough drift to it so as to leave the batsman clueless on the movement. He was right in his approach as Jadhav missed it altogether and was struck just above the knee-roll. The entire New Zealand team appealed for the dismissal and umpire Nigel Llong didn’t also have to think too much to raise his finger, considering Jadhav is vertically challenged and height wouldn’t be a concern.
However, there was Hardik Pandya at the other end and he failed to understand the simple theory of height and asked Jadhav to go for a review, probably being befuddled by Jadhav’s short stature. It fell flat on his face as HotSpot and RTS confirmed that there was no bat involved and UltraEdge made sure that the ball would on to smash the stumps, not even the top of it.
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