According to a report published on Cricbuzz, an Indian citizen has been handed a one-month jail term as he was caught betting during the ongoing T20 tournament in Bangladesh. The mobile court has sentenced the punishment for the person after he was found involved in the illegal activities in Sylhet.
The local administration in Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet were asked to run mobile courts in order to catch hold of illegal betting during the current BPL season. There was an inter-ministerial meeting held in this regard in January last year as well.
“He was trying to contact [people in India] several times and after it was proved, we handed him the punishment,'' the executive magistrate Mohammad Mainul Hossain Chowdhury told Cricbuzz.
''He was an Indian citizen and he was betting from here. We could not receive any kind of documents like passport or any other thing from him. He could not speak Bengali and he could only speak Hindi. He admitted his offence and said that he won't repeat this kind of a mistake further.”
''His name is Imran Pashar and he came from Bihar. He was handed jail for one month," informed BCB security chief Hossain Imam.
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