Having been forced to the sidelines for months after the tour of West Indies, Bhuvneshwar was called up to India’s T20I squad to face the Windies at home. Though he was declared 100% fit, it was later revealed that the 29-year-old had been suffering from a sportsman’s hernia the whole time — a diagnosis completely missed by the personnel at NCA. Now, the senior pacer is expected to be out for an indefinite period of time, with India heading into a T20 World Cup year in 2020.
“World T20 is still good nine months away. I am not thinking about that. First thing is getting fit and I don’t know when I will get fit,” Bhuvneshwar told PTI.
“There is no surety of surgery, but generally, the standard procedure in case of sports hernia is surgery. But we still need to take an appointment and I am not sure where it’s going to be. But we are trying to get it as soon as possible. Till I consult a doctor, can’t say when will be the comeback as it will depend on the diagnosis and treatment plan,” he said.
Although Bhuvneshwar did not blame the NCA for their role in his situation, he was defensive and left it to the BCCI to sort out the increasing controversies surrounding the national facility in Bangalore.
“It’s up to BCCI as to how they are going to take it. They must have had a chat with the NCA. NCA must have tried their best but I don’t know what went wrong and why they couldn’t diagnose. Still I am not the right person to comment on that as it might say something else and BCCI will come up with something else. It’s an individual’s responsibility or wish whether they want to go to the NCA or not,” Bhuvneshwar said.
In his absence, Deepak Chahar — touted by many as Bhuvi’s long-term replacement — has held his own in the Indian team. However, that does not concern Bhuvneshwar, who is only keen on performing to his fullest when he is fit again.
“Injuries can be frustrating at times but I am not at all heartbroken. It’s part and parcel of our journey. I was in good rhythm against the West Indies. When I get fit it will be about performing. So I am not thinking about who all will be there. Thinking about selection is not in my hands and it’s not my job also. My job is to perform and I will do that,” Bhuvneshwar added.
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