In a last-ditch move, the Indian Premier League (IPL) has confirmed that six new players have been added to the list of players that will go under the hammer on December 19. The four Indians who have been added to the list are Vinay Kumar, Ashok Dinda, Robin Bist and Sanjay Yadav, while the two overseas players that have been added are the Australian duo of Matthew Wade and Jake Weatherald.
The additions mean that now, 338 players will go under the hammer instead of the original shortlist of 332. Both Vinay Kumar and Ashok Dinda have represented multiple IPL teams over the course of the last decade, but most notably have played for Royal Challengers Bangalore. On the other hand, both Matthew Wade and Robin Bist also have featured in the IPL, having represented Delhi Daredevils (now Capitals) in the past. The duo of Sanjay Yadav and Jake Weatherald have, however, not featured in the IPL till date.
The auction for the 2020 edition of the IPL will be held in Kolkata on December 19 and the process is expected to start around 3.30 PM IST.
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