After spending three years with Pune Warriors and five years with Delhi Daredevils, now the Delhi Capitals, Amre parted ways with Delhi on "on really amicable terms", making way for Vijay Dahiya to take over as the chief of talent scout of the Delhi Capitals. The major reason behind the move was to spend time with his family which might come true now as Times of Indian reported that Mumbai Indians have reportedly offered him a job.
Mumbai Indians already have a strong support staff system, with John Wright leading the way as a talent scout. Former India players Kiran More, Abey Kuruvilla and TA Sekhar are the other people responsible for finding talents from every nook and cranny around the world.
Amre has been in Mumbai's radar for a long time, ever since he managed to put up a strong core in place for the team from the national capital, with a large portion of them being Mumbai players.
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