Bengaluru Blasters players CM Gautam and Abrar Kazi were taken into custody on November 7 for interrogation by the police for nearly a month for betting and spot-fixing charges. Both got bail on Wednesday which meant now there are no cricketers in custody pertaining to KPL spot-fixing.
"Gautam and Kazi received bail late evening on Wednesday. Right now, no cricketer is in custody, only bookie Sayyam continues to be in custody," central crime branch deputy commissioner of police Kuldeep Jain told IANS.
After the arrest of the players, questioning led a clue against Haryana-based bookie Sayyam who was arrested in connection with the KPL betting case on November 11. Former Karnataka Ranji Trophy team batsman and Karnataka State Cricket Association (KSCA) managing committee member Sudhendra Shinde, who was also the coach of Belgavi Panthers T20 team in 2019 edition of KPL, received bail on Monday.
Shinde was arrested for aiding and abetting KPL betting scam, the local T20 tournament approved by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). Police questioned him for assisting Belagavi Panthers owner Asfaq Ali Thara in betting and spot-fixing KPL matches.
There is a lookout notice for Former Bellary Tuskers' owner Arvind Venkatesha Reddy also received an anticipatory bail from the High Court on Wednesday despite hiding overseas.
The KPL, an intra-state T20 tournament run by KSCA, has been hit by betting, honey trapping and spot-fixing controversies. The betting scandal led to the arrest of a list of cricketers, bookies, team owners and others.
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