The 35-year-old all-rounder from Bengaluru will now represent Nagaland in the upcoming BCCI domestic season after several rounds of discussion. Binny had to receive a no-objection certificate from his State association and produce it to be open to for a new side. The roping of Binny by Nagaland was confirmed by the selector and vice-president of Nagaland Cricket Association(NCA) P. Bendang Jamir.
“We have finalised three players for the senior team. Stuart Binny, Yogesh Takawale and Shrikant Mundhe from Maharashtra. We had requested him to play for us and we got him,” Jamir confirmed, according to Sportstar.
The Karnataka all-rounder will be joining Nagaland Cricket team's pre-season camp on September 10, at the Sovima Cricket Ground in Dimapur.
“We wanted a big name to come down and mentor the boys so that they can learn from someone. Binny was excited right from the word go,” NCA joint secretary A. Rahman explained the idea behind the grand selection.
“When we had released the outstation players from last season, we wanted to have somebody with experience. Along with that, we have a good balance in wicketkeeper-batsman Takawale and medium-pacer Mundhe. We have also groomed our local players Imliwati Lemtur, Tahmeed Rahman, Sedezhalie Rupreo,” he said.
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