58 days after bringing the curtains down on his career, Ambati Rayudu has decided to make a U-turn. On Thursday, he wrote to the Hyderabad Cricket Association's CoA that he was available for selection. Subsequently, the HCA CEO sent out a mail confirming the news.
"This is to inform you that Ambati Rayudu has withdrawn his announcement of retirement and has made himself available for the shorter format of the game for HCA in 2019-20," the email stated, reported TOI.
Rayudu thanked the efforts of former players and ones close to him in making him realise the mistake of the hasty decision he had made.
"I (Ambati Rayudu) would like to bring to your kind notice that I would like to come out of retirement and play cricket in all formats. I want to take this opportunity to thank CSK, VVS Laxman and Noel David who has been very supportive during the tough time and are instrumental in making me realise that I have enough cricket left in me and the decision to retire was taken in an emotional state and haste,” Rayudu wrote.
"I am looking forward to a wonderful season ahead with a very talented Hyderabad team and help the team realise its full potential. I will be available from the 10th of September to join the Hyderabad team," he continued.
David, one of the names mentioned in the email, has assured Rayudu his complete backing in his bid to reach even greater heights.
"It is not an easy decision to make. It takes a lot of humility and courage to admit a mistake. I am really excited about Rayudu's comeback. There is still a lot of cricket left in him and I am sure that he will be a big boon to Hyderabad cricket. He has my full backing and it's now up to him to help the team reach greater heights. I have known him for a long time. He is not only a great cricketer but also a good human being. It's just that he was not able to handle the disappointment and reacted in haste," David told TOI.
"I am happy that he will play for the state again. His experience of playing at the highest level is sure to benefit the team. Hyderabad cricket will be richer by Rayudu's contribution as he can now focus on grooming youngsters and building a great team for the years to come. It's been a long time since Hyderabad has won the Ranji Trophy. We are keen on making a mark this season,” David added.
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