Milind Kumar was a regular presence in the Delhi side for seven long years after making his first-class debut against Haryana in 2011. However, the failure to find a place in the side in the previous season forced him to leave the state team for Sikkim. His vast experience was a great help for the newly-formed side as the batsman hit a couple of triple centuries in the Ranji Trophy and emerged as the highest run-getter in the tournament. After securing the No-Objection Certificate from the Sikkim Cricket Association (SCA), he has now been contracted with the Tripura Cricket Association for this season.
Confirming the development to SportsCafe, Millind said, "Last year, I was in a hurry and didn't have a lot of options. But this year, after examining the offers at hand, I have decided to ply my trade in Tripura. It is an exciting opportunity and I am looking forward to playing some good cricket for them."
One of the major reasons, as Millind admitted, behind his decision was to play for an Elite team which wouldn't have been possible if he would have continued with Sikkim Cricket Association. Apart from Miind, Mumbai's Harmeet Singh will be playing for Tripura this season as an outstation player.
Apart from Kumar, Sikkim also parted ways with its other professional player Bipul Sharma but has retained Ishwar Chaudhary. It is also learnt that Sikkim has signed up domestic cricket stalwart Yashpal Singh, who played for Manipur last season, to cover up Milind's absence and added Iqbal Abdulla to their roaster.
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