The notification posted on the BCCI official website states that all state units save Delhi (DDCA), Vidarbha (VCA), and Assam (ACA), which are already compliant to the Lodha committee reforms, should complete their polls by the specified date. Out of the 38 affiliated units, ten – Arunachal Pradesh, Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Haryana, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Karnataka – are yet to amend their constitution as per the committee’s directives. These ten units have instead filed interim applications challenging various clauses in the new constitution, like age cap (70 years), cooling-off period (three years after two consecutive terms), and one-person-one-post to name a few.
"Full Members who either have not been declared compliant with the Judgement dated 9th August 2018 or who do not complete the election process before 14th September 2019 (or such other date that may be appointed by the COA for this purpose) and their representative, shall not be eligible to participate in the BCCI Election process," the notification issued by Gopalaswami read, reported TOI.
The Apex Council will comprise nine members – president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, two players' representatives (men and women), one state unit representative, and a representative from the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) office.
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