The cricket fans in Tamil Nadu will now be able to watch Ambati Rayudu playing in their state as he has decided to be a part of Grand Slam in the upcoming VA Parthasarathy Trophy which is all set to begin from Monday.
"Rayudu is a registered player with the Grand Slam and will be making his debut in the TNCA circuit. To have a player of his caliber is a big plus for the team and the tournament in general," a source close to the development told TOI.
In the first game of the tournament, Grand Slam will meet Vijay CC at the Guru Nanak College ground. According to the source, the tournament will be of great help for the former player, who has been a part of the Chennai Super Kings side in the IPL, to stay match fit.
"Playing in the TNCA circuit will help Rayudu to stay in the best possible shape and remain match-fit. As a retired cricketer, he is free to choose where he wants to play. Getting a NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the BCCI (to play in an overseas league) is also not a problem as they issued it to former players such as Yuvraj Singh and Manpreet Gony who are part of the Global T20 league in Canada," added the source.
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