The 2013 IPL spot-fixing case, which saw three cricketers S Sreesanth, Ankit Chavan and Ajit Chandila getting arrested and banned for life, does not look like coming to an end anytime soon. The Delhi High Court now has now asked for a status report from their registrar to check whether all those discharged along with the trio of Sreesanth, Chandila and Chavan had been served a notice that was issued on the police’s appeal in the 2013 IPL spot-fixing case.
Justice Sunil Gaur notified the registrar, who will file a report on the issue of service of the notice to the parties concerned.
“List the matter before the registrar who shall give a report whether any of the respondents remain unserved,” the court said while confirming the case before the registrar to be heard on April 10.
Meanwhile, senior advocate Dayan Krishnan, who was representing the Delhi Police, told the apex court that all the respondents have been served the notice and were also represented through their counsels earlier during the day.
On November 18 2015, the HC issued notices to all the 36 respondents, who were discharged in the case. Two months prior to that, Delhi Police had moved the high court in September 2015 after a trial court in the same year had given a clean chit to the all cricketers and the alleged bookies, whose names came up in the case.
Following which the Delhi Police filed an appeal in the High Court, stating that the trial court order was unsustainable. The police argued that the logic and conclusions put forth for discharging the accused in the case were not at all appropriate.
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