According to CricketNext, after CoA had first named Sangakkara as the speaker for the lecture, BCCI secretary Amitabh Chaudhary had questioned the Supreme appointed committee’s decision and even suggested getting a former India player, who played alongside Pataudi, in case Sangakkara backed out. However, despite Rai assuring that the Board would consider Chaudhary’s suggestions, they went on to now pick Pietersen for the auspicious occasion. BCCI had wanted someone like Nari Contractor, Chandu Borde, Erapalli Prasanna, or Abbas Ali Baig to be preceding the occasion and has expressed their disappointment with the turn of events in a mail.
“The expression of happiness on it (General Manager Saba Karim’s mail that Kevin Pietersen has agreed to address the lecture) had left me wondering whether the Memorial Lecture was indeed MAK Pataudi Memorial Lecture or Sir Len Hutton Lecture or for that matter Sir Frank Woolley lecture. The reasons for the same will become clear from the following paragraphs. The national selection committee meetings were scheduled on the 8th May at Bangalore. Shortly before the meetings at 5 PM, GM (Cricket Operations) spoke to me on a few subjects including the Pataudi Memorial Lecture. During our discussion, I mentioned the names of some living Indian stalwarts who could also be considered. He too offered some names but I requested him to first check on the names I had suggested.
“I had also advised there was enough time and there was little need to hurry. This was not followed up with any other communication on this subject until the arrival of GM’s email on May 10 (on the names of the proposed speakers and the topics). There was obviously no explanation about the suitabilility of the so calledpanelists in a Lecture meant to commemorate Tiger Pataudi except that they were distinguished cricketers/commentators/coaches, which they undoubtedly were. It did not get commented upon that the panel of four had as many as three foreigners. Neither did it explain whether any discussions were indeed held before putting up the panel.
“Significantly, the prose inexplicably left out the discussions held at Bangalore on the very subject two days earlier. It is obvious from the context that the CoA learnt of it first only with the proposal email on the 10th. Unable to stomach the ease with which the significance of the Lecture was being derailed, as also the fact that GM (Cricket Operations) had solicited our views in his email, I wrote an earnest email to attempt a rectification, if possible,” read the email.
The lecture is scheduled to be held on June 12 in Bengaluru before India play Afghanistan in the historic Test and India’s GM of cricket operation Saba Karim had his suggestions for the speaker. They included Sourav Ganguly, Kumar Sangakkara, Kevin Peterson and Nasser Hussain. The topics for the event in the mail were - a) Peace and sustainability through Cricket - Relevent since Afghanistan is a wonderful story. b) Behaviour and conduct of international players in the modern age - Players perspective and c) Cricket as an Olympic Sport - Way forward.
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