ACU’s chief Neeraj Kumar has been instructed by Committee of Administrators chief Vinod Rai to investigate the corruption allegations against Shami. Shami's wife, Hasin Jahan, had claimed that Shami had taken money from a UK-base businessman through a Pakistani woman named Alisba. Khanna, who was attending the IPL Governing Council meeting, claimed that the final decision on Shami’s participation in the cash-rich league would be taken after Neeraj investigate the matter.
"Since ACU chief Neeraj Kumar is investigating and has been given a seven-day time frame, any decision will be taken after he submits his report. The final decision will be taken by the CoA," Khanna told PTI.
Apart from match-fixing, the Indian pacer’s wife accused him of domestic violence and extra-marital affairs which Shami has denied as well. After the accusations, BCCI decided to remove pacer's name from the annual contract list and later Delhi Daredevils’ management also followed BCCI’s path and decided to wait for the developments.
In the Governing Council meeting, apart from Shami’s case, members also talked about other issues as well. As they decided to spend only 18 crores on the opening ceremony of the 2018 IPL instead of the 30 crores that had been allotted.
"The finance team of BCCI has decided that Rs 18 crore will be spent on the opening ceremony even though the sanctioned budget was Rs 30 crore," Khanna said.
The playoff games of the league have been awarded to Pune while Rajkot and Lucknow have been kept as standby options. Punjab Cricket Association has already requested BCCI to shift their matches only for those periods when the Chandigarh airport will go under maintenance work.
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