Anuja Patil, who made her debut for India in 2012, has come through the ranks establishing herself as a starter over the years with the women’s team. Patil managed to have a decent outing in the recently concluded series versus the South African women’s team, where she picked up five wickets in three T20I’s.
Patil has now been named as the captain of India A women’s team that will take on the Australian women’s team in two warm-up matches which will be played on March 6 and 8 in Mumbai. Australia are touring India as part of the ICC Women’s ODI championship.
Patil who is considered to be T20 specialist has played a total of 27 T20I’s for the national side ever since her debut back in 2012. She will lead the team against the Aussies who are set to take on the Indian women’s team in a three-match series in Vadodara from March 12-18.
India A squad: Anuja Patil (captain), Priya Punia, Sarika Kohli, Dayalan Hemalatha, Neha Tnwar, Tanushree Sarkar, Nishu Choudhary, Kavita Patil, Meghna Singh, Shanti Kumari, Nuzhat Parween, T P Kanwar, Preeti Bose, S Asha.
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