It was an indeed an auspicious moment for Tamil Nadu Cricket Association (TNCA) as India fielded Ashwin, Vijay, and Karthik in the playing eleven on Thursday for the one-off Test against Afghanistan at Bengaluru. The last time it happened was way back in 1961, when the trio of Amritsar Govindsingh Milkha Singh, Amritsar Govindsingh Kripal Singh, and Vaman Viswanath Kumar Kumar, as they faced England in Bombay from the state team in a Test match.
Opener Murali Vijay made the occasion all the more special as he delivered a perfect Test century, scoring 105 off 153 balls that included 15 boundaries and one six. Though Dinesh Karthik and Ashwin couldn't contribute with that significantly, they would like to make a mark in the second innings. Former India captain K. Srikanth stated that it was definitely a moment in which Tamil Nadu can take pride.
“It's certainly a proud moment for the State. It certainly shows Tamil Nadu cricket is moving forward. Ashwin, Vijay and Karthik are all very capable players and have some cricket left in them. And we have youngsters like Vijay Shankar and Washington Sundar representing India in the shorter formats. This a good period for Tamil Nadu cricket,” said Srikanth, reported the Hindu.
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