Sanju Samson had been selected in the India ‘A’ squad on the back of quite a good outing in this edition of IPL, in which he scored 441 runs for the Rajasthan Royals. However, according to the reports from Mumbai Mirror, the 23-year-old has failed to prove his fitness in the mandatory Yo-Yo test taken BCCI on Monday and hence, has been excluded from the India ‘A’ squad for the tour of England.
The Shreyas Iyer-led side has already left for London from Delhi on Sunday with the wicketkeeper-batsman left behind. The report mentioned that his score on the Yo-Yo test was below the prescribed 16.1 mark. Samson reported to the fitness test at the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bangalore three days ago along with other ‘A’ team players and had not trained enough ahead of the tests due to a few niggles.
A replacement has not been named but it is likely that a player will be sent to England in a few days. Rishabh Pant is the designated keeper in the squad. Samson was part of the team which would take part in a triangular series involving hosts England Lions with the third team being West Indies ‘A’.
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