26-year-old Rahul Tripathi made his IPL debut last year for the Rising Pune Supergiant under the captaincy of Steven Smith. He set the IPL on fire as he managed to score 391 runs at a strike rate of 146.4 in the 14 games he played for RPS. His numbers speak for itself because he was signed by RPS for a mere 10 lakhs and his strike rate and runs do ask for more.
"I am elated to have been picked by Rajasthan Royals. Last time I was signed by Rising Pune Supergiant for Rs 10 lakh, this time the money is high, but it won't make any difference, as it is about the opportunity of playing in the IPL and never about the money for me," Tripathi told TOI.
His last year’s exploits ensured that the teams went into a bidding war. As his name was called out by Richard Madley, Royals, Kings XI Punjab, Royal Challengers Bangalore, and Delhi Daredevils all started bidding aggressively for the right-hander before he was finally taken by the Steve Smith-side, Rajasthan Royals for a whopping 3.4 crores.
The Maharashtra player credited Smith saying, "We have played together for almost two months and have shared a good rapport. I am sure he had a say in getting me on the team today. He has seen me play and know my game, so I am happy to be on his team again,"
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