With India getting ready for the Boxing Day Test, Fox have released a promo for the Test which is narrated by Shane Warne. After going through the history of the MCG Test and the charm that it holds in not just Australian Cricket but World Cricket, Warne switched the conversation to the more current one. With Australia levelling the series in Perth, the MCG Test has become one to look forward to and Warne credited Virat Kohli as the major reason for that.
"This year, the Test series is great. It's because the series is locked at 1-1. It's great because of this guy... Virat Kohli. He is the greatest cricketer on the planet," Warne said in the promo.
In the brilliant video, Warne concludes by saying, “Toe to toe. Box Office…. Cricket.” With the Test beginning from tomorrow and the stakes at an all-time high, there is no better way to get ready for the match than watching the video shown below.
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