Mani had been nominated directly for the chairmanship by newly-elected prime minister Imran Khan after Najam Sethi resigned from the top post. But, the direct appointment was contrary to the PCB constitution framed in 2014. So, Imran later took to Twitter to clarify that Mani's appointment would take place according to the set procedures. Accordingly, Mani was nominated as a member of the BoG from where he can put forward his candidacy.
A BoG, which has a three-year term, comprises 10 members. Two are appointed by the patron and the rest are divided equally between regions and service organisations (departments). The top four regions and service organisations in the latest edition of the Quaid-e-Azam trophy get seats in a BoG.
Ministry of Inter Provincial Coordination appoints an 11th member, an ex officio, who attends and voices his/her opinion in the meeting but doesn't have a right to vote. Any of the 10 members can put forward their candidacy for the post of the chairman on September 4. The voting council comprises the entire BoG and the candidate with the most votes becomes the board's chairman for a term of three years. Despite vacancies in the BoG, the election of the chairman can go ahead.
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