Bhuvaneshwar Kumar, who missed out on the five-match Test series due to a lower back injury sustained during the ODI series, is slated to return to action with the India A team. The pacer is set to join the squad for the ongoing quadrangular series involving South Africa A, India B, and Australia A.
28-year old Indian pacer - Bhuvaneshwar Kumar last featured for India during the three-match ODI series in the final ODI against the three lions. The match ended on a disappointing note for India as they lost the game and subsequently the series as well but in addition to that, they also lost Bhuvaneshwar as he aggravated his back injury while bowling.
Now, after Bhuvaneshwar missed the Test series due to that injury, he is slated to make his comeback after BCCI revealed that the bowler would join the India A squad for the ongoing quadrangular series which involved India B, South Africa A, and Australia A.
Bhuvneshwar was left out of an 18-member Indian squad for the first three Tests of the five-match Test series against England when the selectors announced the list of players last month. After Tests in London, the Indian bowler was sent to the NCA to undergo rehab as the BCCI continued to keep tabs on his condition. It was expected that he would need about four weeks, but it later emerged that it would take another couple of weeks for him to bowl in a competitive match.
If needed, Virat Kohli and Ravi Shastri could be tempted into asking Bhuvneshwar to play the final Test at the Oval. However, with the squads already announced, the selectors and team management will not want to rush his comeback given his recent run of back injuries.
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