Shreyas Iyer took this year’s IPL by storm as he stepped up in a moment of chaos for the Delhi Daredevils as he took the lead after Gautam Gambhir stepped down as skipper. The 23-year old displayed maturity as the Daredevils put up a strong performance towards the end of the league. Iyer scored 411 runs from 14 matches during this year’s IPL. The Mumbai-born batsman admitted that he was chosen to lead the India ‘A’ team on their tour of UK this year. But Iyer admitted that it was getting harder for him to wait for his chance in the senior cricket team.
“It is really tough to be patient. When you perform consistently, get runs and then don’t get into the (senior) team, it runs into your mind. And, when you face quality bowling at top level, your performance keeps fluctuating. So, you need to keep yourself focused and, as I said, it affects you at times,” Iyer told reporters in South Africa.
Iyer last played for Virat Kohli’s squad in an ODI against South Africa in February this year. In 2017, the DD batsman smashed 317 runs for India A against New Zealand A which included a highest score of 108. He also added that he loved the role of skipper which brought out the best in him on the pitch.
“I really love the captaincy role. Whenever I get this role (captaincy), my character and attitude totally changes, and I see to it that I try and get the best out of myself as well as the team in pressure situations,” added Iyer.
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