The wrist spinning duo of Kuldeep Yadav and Yuzvendra Chahal, who demolished the South African batsmen in India’s historic ODI series win a few months ago, are now split into two different teams for the upcoming IPL season, as Yadav returned back to KKR and Chahal was retained by the RCB franchise at the ahead of the auctions which were held in January. Yadav who started off as a back-up for Sunil Narine and Brad Hogg, but has now established himself as their strike bowler for the upcoming edition of the IPL and he has set himself some huge goals for the tournament.
“I would be lying if I said I don’t have any personal goals going into this season of the IPL. I too have a bucket list and I wish to dismiss Kohli and Dhoni. You don’t get better players of spin bowling and the IPL is the only tournament when you get to have a go at them. Sometimes I feel I am privileged that I am in the same team as them and don’t need to bowl to them on the international stage (laughs). But this year I want to dismiss them and this is the tournament that gives me that opportunity,” Yadav said in an interview to Cricketnext.
Kuldeep feels that the cash-rich league is an important tournament when it comes to making a mark.
“The IPL has always been big and I have always looked forward to being a part of the tournament. Initially people would say that it is a format for the batsmen and there is nothing for the bowlers, but I have always felt that it is the perfect platform for any cricketer if you wish to make a name for yourself and get noticed,”
“You get to play not just against the best in the business, but also get to share the dressing room with some of the big names and learn a lot from the professionalism and the dedication that is on display,” Yadav said.
The bond between former Australian spinner Brad Hogg and Yadav is an extremely strong one as the latter has given Hogg credit for helping him improve his technique over the years.
“I have picked on his brain through the years. Our art is anyway rare. I feel I was lucky to have someone like him in my own team. It helped to get to see him from close quarters. I was always open to his ideas and tried to learn as much as I could,” Yadav revealed.
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