Recently, the BCCI announced the squad for the upcoming three-match T20I series against New Zealand and Test series against Sri Lanka. However, a report in TOI stated that the selectors - MSK Prasad, Devang Gandhi, and Sarandeep Singh - who picked the squad, did so without contracts with the board. The selectors had signed the contracts for a year last September and sources said their contracts have not been renewed for this year.
"It is an unusual situation. Technically, there is no document that authorizes these men to select the teams at the moment," a senior board official told TOI on Monday.
The BCCI verbally told the selectors that their contracts could be delayed because of the uncertainty over the annual general meeting ever since the implementation of Lodha reforms became a factor. Indian cricket board’s AGM usually takes place in late September.
"The board managed to give out contracts in time till last year. We are trying to figure it out this year. Generally, these calls are taken at the AGM. Since the AGM is yet to be called, it has to be seen how this problem can be solved," the source said.
The job of contract renewal is usually done by the office-bearers but with the Supreme Court-appointed Committee of Administrators and CEO getting a stronghold in the decision-making process, the battle of egos has created a problem.
"The current BCCI office-bearers have created a hindrance in implementing the reforms. Had it been done earlier, the AGM could have taken place in time," reasoned the official.
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