In another desperate attempt to play against India, recently, chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board, Najam Sethi had said that they will only sign up for the Test and one-day leagues if India honour a Memorandum of Understanding to play bilateral matches with them. As per the MoU, the first of the six series was scheduled for 2015, which the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) did not agree to be played even at a neutral venue, citing no permission from the government. While the PCB recently declared their intention of take the legal case forward, seeking compensation of US$ 70 million, Dhoni asserted that it was the government who will take a final call on whether the teams will play against each other or not.
"When it comes to India-Pakistan cricket, it is not just sports, but becomes much bigger than that. It is not a simple decision, but a diplomatic and a political decision," Dhoni said in an army cricket match in Kashmir, reported PTI.
"So, it is a big decision and I think we should leave it to the government to decide. If the government decides, we will go and play and if they decide against it, we will play some other series," he added.
After the linearization of the Indian economy in 1991, Jagmohan Dalmiya spurred up a huge transformation of sorts in the Indian cricket taking to every nook and cranny of the world through Television. Sachin Tendulkar’s exploits, IPL, and India’s T20 World Cup win in 2007 took the movement to several notches up and Indian cricket became the golden goose that we come to know today. Dhoni, definitely one of the biggest celebrities in terms of brand value and impact, commented that the development of the Indian cricket has not only changed the cricketers' lifestyle, it has also impacted the country’s economy as a whole.
"It's not just cricket and to say that it's just cricket, would be wrong. It is much more than that and it impacts economy a lot. It is said that sports should be kept away from politics, but when it comes to cricket and involvement of Indian cricket team - be it a bilateral series or any big tournament - it is not just cricket because wherever we go to play, we generate a lot of money and ultimately that money flows into the economy," said Dhoni.
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