The group of individuals were arrested after a gambling racket was busted in East Delhi’s Shahdara area. A Delhi police official confirmed the arrest saying, "The Delhi Police has a zero-tolerance policy towards gambling and the arrest happened in the Shahdara region. Six people were arrested, two laptops, 22 mobile phones, and LCDs were seized from the place. The media will be briefed on the issue later in the afternoon,” as reported by News 18.
This isn’t the first instance of fixing in the IPL. In fact, during the sixth edition of the tournament, former Indian cricketer S Sreesanth was arrested from a Mumbai hotel after, fixers alleged that he too was involved in fixing games. Subsequently, Sreesanth was convicted and given a life ban from the game.
We'll have to wait for further statements from the Delhi police to find out if there are any players involved in the latest betting scandal that has hit the IPL. If there are any players involved, it's certain that they shall face strict action from the BCCI.
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