This is the second time in two weeks that the International Cricket Council (ICC) has given a pitch in the ongoing series a sub-standard rating. Match officials are believed to have access to the match report made by Chris Broad, which read, “The pitch (at Bengaluru) has been rated below average, and the outfield as very good.”
The second Test ended in four days, as India leveled the 4-match series at 1-1. Broad had also rated the pitch at the Maharashtra Cricket Association in Pune as ‘poor’, after the first Test ended in three days with 31 wickets falling to the spinners.
Moreover, the Australian media has already started criticizing the pitch prepared for the third Test in Ranchi. The Sunday Morning Herald relased a report reading, “Local officials did their best to control the latest pitch doctoring storm, trying in vain to restrict inspection of the pitch to the captain and coach. They banned players from taking pictures, but close-up images have emerged of the flint-hard, bone-dry and grassless surface, which one Australian described as the most “ridiculous” pitch he had seen.”
Over the last year, India have played three Test matches against New Zealand, four against England and one against Bangladesh, but none of those pitches attracted such negative scrutiny.
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