After agencies announced the signing, Choudhary called a press conference to deny the rumor. The BCCI acting secretary went on to add that the members of the CAC- Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, and VVS Laxman- were still undecided on who would be Kumble's replacement.
"The three (CAC members) are talking to each other as we speak, I can understand it's not an easy job. It's a very very difficult job and I give full marks to them. What the CAC will do, or abstain from doing, is completely their freedom. When the BCCI gets into the loop, we'll let you know," Amitabh Chaudhary said in a press conference, reported Cricbuzz.
Choudhary, did, however, confirm that the next coach's appointment would be announced today but did not give an exact time frame for the declaration.
Yesterday, the CAC members had interviewed Ravi Shastri along with Virender Sehwag, Richard Pybus, Tom Moody, and Lalchand Rajput for the India head coach role and CoA chief Vinod Rai had asked the legendary trio to announce the new coach today.
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