British tabloid, The Sun, conducted the sting operation, where their reporters posed as “underworld bookmakers”, with Joban and Saxena. The duo had offered to provide details about some rigged periods in the on-going third Ashes Test at the WACA. Joban claimed that a former Australian player, who he called “X”, and an Australian administrator, who refused to name, would provide information that could be used to fix “a handful of games”. It wasn’t just Ashes fixtures that were on offer but also the upcoming BBL.
"So what you want? You want to see something magic in Big Bash?” Joban had asked the undercover reporters, The Sun claimed.
"Big Bash we can do. Winning and loss. Some matches - we have some news, we got some confirmed news, through X and one man.
"Through X and also one man involved with this. We will get some news in Big Bash. Confirmed news. X is also involved in this. X get news from somebody - in Australia, a man who is also involved.
"He's doing all a lot of things, he's connected with a lot of people, the bookies and all. You know the Big Bash there will only be 3 to 4 matches that will be fixed."
But they claimed that their ability to fix games was not restricted just to Australia. Joban added that the players could make around £6million (appox Rs. 51 crore) from the tournament. He even offered them a quick-fix in the recently concluded Bangaldesh Premier League stating that it would cost him "1.5 crore".
"Do you want Bangladesh? You will get full script. All four sessions. Win and lose,” Joban said.
“Let me know by this evening. I will fix everything nicely.”
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