Indian all-rounder Hardik Pandya posted a picture with Abhinav Mukund, Virat Kohli, and KL Rahul amongst others after India's comprehensive win over Sri Lanka in the second Test in Colombo. Some of the users tried to troll the Tamil Nadu batsman on the basis of his skin colour and one statement read, "the guy at extreme left in second pic is way too black to even called black”.
Celebrating the victory with the boys 🇮🇳
— hardik pandya (@hardikpandya7)
While cricketers have refrained from reacting to rude tweets Mukund took charge not only for himself but for all the others who have faced such ridicule due to their skin colour. In a long post, Mukund revealed he had been subjected to such incidents in the past also and hoped the post would bring about a change in the mindset of the people who are used to judging people by their colour.
“Fair isn’t the only lovely or handsome guys! Stay true, stay focussed, be comfortable in your own skin,” he wrote.
— Abhinav mukund (@mukundabhinav)
The Tamil Nadu batsman was backed up by Indian team skipper Virat Kohli, spinner Ravichandran Ashwin, and all-rounder Hardik Pandya. Badminton star Jwala Gutta also lent her support to the 27-year old.
Very well said Abhinav. 👌
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli)
Read and learn, don't make it a headline cos its someone's emotion.
— Ashwin Ravichandran (@ashwinravi99)
Muk on point 👌🏻🙏🏻👍🏻 I love 👶🏾
— hardik pandya (@hardikpandya7)
Corrrrrectttt 👍🏻👏🏼
— Gutta Jwala (@Guttajwala)
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