On the first delivery of the second over Shikhar Dhawan was provided with some width by Trent Boult. Having scored just 5 runs off the first over, the Hyderabad batsman decided to go hard at the ball. The ball, however, caught the outside edge of the bat and travelled at a great pace over the slip cordon towards the third man boundary where the SRH team was seated. The ball, as Ravi Shastri would say, travelled like a tracer bullet and hit the laptop of the SRH stats man who seemed to shy away from the travelling ball.
condition of laptop after dhawan hit it...
— Rahul Goel (@goelrahul137)
Sunrisers' coach VVS Laxman seemed to advise the scared guy to take better care of the laptop instead of running away from the ball. The terrified guy eventually shut the lid of the laptop gesturing that it was broken beyond repair.
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