While his partner KL Rahul went for flashy strokes in the opening session of India's 500th Test match in Kanpur, Murali Vijay carved out a patiently-built innings at the other end. After his century partnership for the second wicket with Cheteshwar Pujara looked to have put India on track for a huge score, both Pujara and Vijay were back in the pavilion after they misjudged the Kiwi spinners' turn. Other batsmen followed suit as India ended the day at 291 for 9. Speaking about the batting failure, Vijay said, "We got out to loose shots as well and wicket was deteriorating as well, so we really got to be patient on this wicket. It's a lesson learnt and hopefully we can put up a better show in the second innings."
Talking about his dismissal, Vijay admitted that it was an error in shot selection.
"It was just a bad shot selection and I can really work on that and put up a better show in the second innings."
After managing to end the day just below the 300-run mark, Vijay was optimistic that India will be able to restrict New Zealand to a low total.
"We have our plans, the wicket is on the slower side and it is going to be difficult to score runs. That is what I have experienced on the first day, so it's going to be difficult for them as well with the quality of Ashwin and Jadeja in the side. It's going to be a good day for us, hopefully."
Speaking about the Kiwi bowling attack who put up a brilliant show on the opening day, the Tamil Nadu batsman said, "I would say, they had a good attack. According to situation, we got to make a play out of it. We knew this is going to be the plan (Kiwis fielding three spinners), we were well prepared for it. We could have capitalized a bit more after tea.”
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