As Indian cricket gears up to celebrate the historic 500th Test, a star-studded panel of former captains, which comprised of Kapil Dev, Dilip Vengsarkar, Krishnamachari Srikanth, Ravi Shastri, Sachin Tendulkar, and Sourav Ganguly along with the present captain Virat Kohli, discussed pink ball cricket and ways to improve the long format of the game.
Speaking on the occasion, Sachin Tendulkar said, "Personally, I do not like the idea of playing with a pink ball. A lot of adjustments are being made and I feel the pink ball isn't a good idea.
"I am not sure how the pink ball will respond to evening dew. Pitches in different parts of the world behave in different ways. Like Durban has a different surface when the sun goes down. Possibly, a better way is to have wickets that favour bowlers equally,” reported PTI.
Shastri supported Sachin's view and said, "I agree with every bit of what Sachin said. Dew is a major factor. The way is to have a better balance between batting and bowling."
Adding to that, Dilip Vengsarkar said, "Test matches will be interesting and will draw the crowds if we ensure better wickets. In England and Australia, Terst cricket still sees a full house. You have to make good quality wickets.”
1983 World-cup winning captain Kapil Dev said, "As cricketers, we often forget where we are taking the game. But, today's generation knows how to ensure that the crowds come in. In those days, we never thought this way. However, these youngsters will have to work extra hard to ensure that people watch Test cricket in large numbers”.
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