Modi, who was banned by the Board of Control for Cricket in India for life for alleged financial irregularities in the 2010 IPL, called Thakur the “original fixer” and Shukla a “dalal – the original crook.”
“Just like - the noose needed around your neck is about to be executed. U are the original as I have said,” Modi tweeted along with a photo collage that stated, “Your time’s up Anurag. Time for cleanup in Indian cricket.”
“Finally your time has come Ji - the original and - - & given 100 .”
In a series of other tweets Modi said, “The today is no then before. Only way out is to do a as suggested by the - why the wait?”
Questioning Thakur’s credentials as a first-class cricketer, Modi tweeted, “He is a - when where with whom has he ever played. Oh I forgot his father was CM he forced himself.
“to play for HP one match of . - he has no . Has never done anything except on the I created for .
“in fact I had passed no money to go to ascoiations from OR unless we can verify how it's being spent.”
As a sign off Modi tweeted: As of we accept full recommendations of the .”
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