In the inter-district match, Kannur faced off against Mallapuram in a 2-day match at the KCA stadium in Perinthalmanna. Nazil, a swing bowler by trade, scooped up all the Mallapuram wickets to restrict them to a lowly score of 26. Nazil, who idolizes Bhuvaneshwar Kumar, finished with stunning figures of 9.4-2-12-10.
“I’m an in-swing bowler and I don’t strive for much pace and it helped that the ball moved around in the morning. I would like to play for Kerala one day. For the moment, it’s about doing well for my district team,” he was quoted by the TOI.
Nazil’s feat brings Anil Kumble’s 10-wicket haul against Pakistan to mind. Whether he eventually goes on to make the cut at the international level is yet to be seen.
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