The Congress state government has urged the BCCI to cancel the match and shift it to another venue, as hosting the match would hurt the sentiments of the Kargil War martyrs' families who reside in Kangra. According to India TV, Virbhadra Singh has confirmed that he has sent a written statement to the Home Minister confirming the government's inability to provide security to the touring Pakistani team .
BCCI secretary and BJP MP Anurag Thakur has reacted strongly to this stance of the Himachal government. He said, "The venues of the World Cup matches were decided one year ago, the allotment of matches was decided six months ago.
"People all over have made bookings and it is not fair to give such statements at the last minute.
"The Congress-led state government is clearly playing politics. Hundreds of Pakistani athletes were given security during the South Asian Games in Assam, why can't the Himachal government do the same?
"By claiming that you cannot provide security, you are only giving credence to Pakistani claims that there is a security threat to their team in India. It's about the country's image, you cannot play politics over it," Anurag Thakur was quoted as saying by the PTI.
Anurag Thakur also took to Twitter to react to this issue.
Those politicizing this cricket issue hv shown thr own shortcomings & incapability, are working to tarnish image of HP & the country.
— Anurag Thakur (@ianuragthakur)
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