Chennai was hit by the cyclone Vardah, which brought strong winds and torrential rains across the city yesterday. It was initially suspected that the venue for the last Test of the India-England series will be shifted. But the secretary of the association, Kashi Viswanathan, has dismissed the rumors.
Viswanathan said, "The assuring part is that the pitch and the outfield have not been affected by the cyclone. But sight screen has been damaged. The bulbs have blown off, air conditioners damaged," reported PTI.
But he said there are a lot of challenges ahead for the smooth conduct of the game.
"There have been hundreds of tree trunks lying on the road leading up to the stadium. Our challenge is to set everything in order in the next two days. I am confident we will be able to set everything right," he said.
Earlier, yesterday, senior BCCI official Rajeev Shukla had confirmed that the final Test against England will proceed as per plan in Chennai. Both the teams have also reached Chennai already for the match.
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