The Hyderabad Cricket Association has been caught up with financial discrepancies again after the BCCI-appointed auditing board found them on a slippery slope on many counts. Out of so many discrepancies found by the auditor, the major findings were an order for 2,600 plates of food during an Under-19 match, two travel vendors paid for the same flight taken by the junior team, furniture and laptops missing, Rs 40 lakh spent on medical insurance for club secretaries’ families, charges of electricity theft, gold coins for executive committee members.
BCCI secretary Ajay Shirke told The Indian Express, “The problems are still there. Some of these associations have got internal fights. But it’s not a case of the BCCI cracking down hard on them. If they don’t put things in order, they will face the consequences. I commissioned a second Deloitte report on all problem associations, including Hyderabad, about a month-and-half ago.”
As per a report in the Times of India, the HCA had taken some loans from several sources- some are repaid and others are yet to be paid. Adnan Mahmood (who is an EC member) Rs 84 lakh (through RTGS), Telangana Cricket Club Rs 14.5 lakh (through a bank), Rahul Rs 5 lakh, Purna Rs 2 lakh and Sudhir Rs 1 lakh have received their money.
The report also suggested that the repayment of the loan in cash to Purna is yet to be accounted. It also noted that a loan of Rs 4 lakh taken from Vyravi International was not yet made.
Interestingly, bank transactions have been shown as unknown sources, putting a genuine question forward- How a bank transaction can be from unknown sources?
HCA secretary John Manoj said that it is an internal matter of the association and the board and that he doesn’t want to disclose anything.
“It is an internal matter of the association and whatever we have to give, we have given to the BCCI and as per their norm they will look into it. It’s an internal matter between the BCCI and Hyderabad Cricket Association and I don’t want to disclose anything further,” he said.
The Indian Express reported that similar reports on Odisha Cricket Association (OCA), Assam Cricket Association (ACA), Goa Cricket Association (GCA), and Kerala Cricket Association (KCA) have also been submitted to the BCCI.
It is not the first time that the allegations of discrepancies have been reported in Hyderabad Cricket Association. Earlier, when former BCCI Vice-president Shivlal Yadav was on the power of the Association, monetary corruption had been reported.
The HCA has also submitted an apologetic undertaking to the BCCI accepting every discrepancy and anomaly put forth by the audit.
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