Vijender Singh is set to compete in India for the first time since turning pro last year. The 30-year-old will participate in his maiden title bout – the WBO Asia belt – at Delhi in June. India's poster boy in boxing has expressed his delight at finally being able to fight in front of his home fans,
"It's my absolute dream to fight back home in India in front of my countrymen and women so I won't let Horvath get in my way of that at all.
"I need to continue my unbeaten record and it's important that I put on a commanding performance against Horvath and then next at Harrow to keep on course for my title shot and my homecoming," he was quoted as saying by the PTI.
However, before that title match, Vijender is set to face Hungarian pugilist Alexander Horvath on March 12, in Liverpool. Horvath, who is just 20 years old, has fought in seven bouts so far, and he has tasted victory in five of them. But Vijender is confident of taking him down quickly in the match. He said, "Horvath is a good solid opponent, maybe he will give me a few new tests, he has done more rounds than me and has a bit more experience, but will that compete with the power that I have and when I start landing my shots. I don't believe that he'll be standing around for too long.
"I'm really excited as this is my first fight of the year and there are big plans ahead so I aim to make a very big statement of intent in Liverpool against Horvath that will show that I'm ready to fight for a title later this year".
Vijender has defeated Sonny Whiting, Dean Gillen and Samet Hyuseinov in this first three fights, and none of these encounters went past the third round.
The young Hungarian has, however, issued a warning to the Indian star, and has labeled Vijender as a 'pretender' ahead of their fight. The youngster believes that he is the toughest challenge Vijender has faced so far in his career and is confident of knocking him out in the bout.
"Three before me have tried and failed to beat Singh, so now I will finally end this pretender's hope of winning a title.
"Everyone who has gone into the ring with him seem like they are a rabbit in headlights. I have seen nothing from Singh that worries me or causes sleepless nights so I'm fully confident going into the fight and ready to knock him out.
"I hope that his chin is ready for the punches that I will be landing on them because for once he will be put under a real test by me," he said.
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